Friday, March 25, 2005

Friday is Jesus Day!

I had already decided (unilaterally! How about that, Sammy?) that this day should be a celebration of our Lord, Jesus H Christ (the "H" is for Herbert), when I realized that, holy shit, it's Good Friday. This is Jesus Day!

Jesus, you may remember, is the main character in the best-selling The New Testament (credited to Matthew, Mark, Luke & John, but ghost-written by God, according to some people). He's also known as Jebus. So who was he?

Jesus of Nazareth (b. about 6–4 BC and d. about AD 29–33) was a Jewish preacher and healer, and — especially when referred to as Jesus Christ — is the central figure in Christianity, and an important prophet in Islam.
Most secular scholars accept his existence, and calculate the birth and death dates given above based on independently known events implied in those scriptural documents. Many, and probably most groups identifying themselves as Christians further believe, based on those Gospels, various combinations of tradition accumulated since, and/or personal experiences of various kinds, that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of God, and one of the persons in the Godhead of the Trinity.
I personally believe that Jesus was way cooler than the rest of the Trinity, and always hoped he would strike out a solo career, just like Rod Stewart, who is incidentally performing at Cloetta Center here in Linköping in a while, which I'm only mentioning because it means this blog entry will pop up in round-ups of local news. But enough chit-chat! What miracles did Jesus perform?

Many people have claimed to be God, but only one man in history demonstrated through his actions that he had a supernatural power source.
Zein, the Last Pharaoh? Just kidding.

He healed the lame and the blind, controlled the movement of fish, and calmed storms. Not only did Jesus heal hundreds of people from sickness and disease, but on several occasions he raised people from physical death!
That's really something! It would appear that this guy had more superpowers than a vagina, even! And people say that some day Jesus will return.

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