Sunday, April 03, 2005

Angelina Jolie has Large Juicy Breasts and Does a Lot of Heroin

Fuck! Our blog marathon goes poorly. We've pledged to write twenty-six and a half high-quality blog entries in as many hours, and not only is this just the, what, ninth? so far, but the time actually ran out quite a while ago. Still, Superblog!! refuses to recognize a failure and remains steadfast in its commitment to the marathon.

Anyway, what do you care? You came here for our exclusive coverage of Angelina Jolie's breast enhancements and smack addiction, right? Sadly, that was just a clever ploy to lure you here. APRIL FOOLS.

As promised, look for Superblog!!'s obituary on John Paul II later today. Or maybe that, too, was just an April Fool's joke? Jesus, we crack ourselves up here at Superblog!!


President Preston said...

Go Superblog!! We believe in you!

Koala Mentala said...

Be honest: you really don't.

Cindy-Lou said...

She looks like she wants to chew you up and spit you out. And you'd be begging for more. Well, at least I would, I can't speak for you.

Astrid said...

I really like Angelina's hair-cut on this pic!

Moocko said...

Yeah, I agree with Astrid. Jolie's a hottie.

Koala Mentala said...

Yes, I know you all want to have sex with Angelina but you can't because I saw her first.