Remember back when I told you that you had to call me Master from then on? Well, fuck that. A few minutes later I was awarded my proper title, Grandmaster, and you will of course address me as such, or perish at the stake.
Hey, you have a good blog! I'm going to bookmark you!
I have a scat site. It pretty much covers scat related stuff.
SUPERBLOG!! is no longer a daily journal for Stupid You. Written by awesome folk hero Koala Mentala and (sometimes) Uncle Sammy, enemy of the Internets. Both are based in the Kingdom of Sweden. [RSS Feed]
Hey, you have a good blog! I'm going to bookmark you!
I have a scat site. It pretty much covers scat related stuff.
Don't you know spammers go straight to Hell?
/Supermaster Koala
Oh. My. God.
That is probably the most disgusting site I've ever seen.
I think that left a scar.
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