Thursday, May 12, 2005

The American Patriot

I know what you've been waiting for. An utterly insane - and completely hilarious - right-wing comic. Here's the story: A policeman's "lovely family" is eating breakfast in the World Trade Center on a crisp September morning, when - KABLAM! (You remember how it sounded when the planes hit the towers, right? KABLAM!) The guy is buried under the rubble, "kept alive by the spirits of so many who perished on this dark day". And thus is born... THE AMERICAN PATRIOT. Needless to say, he dons a mask and goes to Afghanistan to kill Osama bin Laden.

You have to read this. Along the way, you'll learn what assholes George Clooney, Danny Glover, and Californians generally, are. And see an elderly peace protester get beaten up by the Patriot. (Link via Fanboy Rampage.)


aughra said...

Wow, can I get a copy to start brainwashing my child? Please?

Koala Mentala said...

You can... you can read the comic by... uh, clicking the link...