Sunday, May 15, 2005

Today's Photo: Deadly Threat

Hello all. This be lethal Swedish snake. It threatened me today but I ran away after the photo session. We call it koppar orm. If the snake lived in...Australia, the aboriginals over there should call it magic Copper snake. But since it's from Sweden it's a koppar orm. Not very lethal at all. Very cute. Lives in my back yard. Until I kill it and eat it.


Shamus O'Drunkahan said...

Homer Sinpson said it best, "Ah snakles. Natures slackers."

Koala Mentala said...

You tell a lie, Mr O'Drunkahan! Mr Sinpson never spoke a word about snakles!!

I know because I've watched every single episode of THE SINPSONS fourteen times. (And they all SUCK.)

Anonymous said...

Koala dude. Its speled Simpssons for Khrist's saké.

Koala Mentala said...

Are you mocking Mr O'Drunkahan, Moocko? Because if you are, you're dead. Mr O'Drunkahan is a dear friend of mine.

Moocko said...

No, Kuala. I'm moocking YOU, 'cos you cannot freacking spell SIMPSSONS, you reetard! Sincearly, Mocko