Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Black People are Laughing at YOU

Some time last year, I made this image (really I just put some text next to a piece of clip art) to prove a point. But now I've forgotten exactly what the point was. Thus, this makes a poor blog entry indeed.

Cheers, Superblog!! fans!


Moocko said...

I'll translate it for everyone: "All Afro-Americans Aren't Evil."

Koala Mentala said...

For everyone? Excellent. Now let's hear the Urdu version.

Koala Mentala said...

Incidentally, did you know Urdu is spoken by 104 million people? And they all SUCK?

Cindy-Lou said...

Maybe they're laughing at you, but they're laughing with me. As I mock you. It's a vicious cycle.

Koala Mentala said...

I meant no harm to Urdu people. I love Urdu people. Urdu people make me hot.

Cindy-Lou: When you mock me, you mock everything that's good and decent in this world.