Thursday, December 16, 2004

Pray or Pay

Jaha....ännu en dag på jobbet som trogen blogger. Manfallet har varit stark det senaste dygnet. But, there is still hope, som de säger i flertalet bättre filmer. Jesus kan rädda dig Koala! Be! så får vi se!!! Pray to the Lord, and He shall heal you! (Ecc.38:8)... that's a great promise!... and the first prayer should be of thanks-giving, giving thanks for the sickness!...
Så Koala och andra sjuka apor, tacka Jesus för att ni är sjuka!! Sen så blir ni friska och ännu gladare. Om ni nu tycker att det verkar sjukt att tacka för sjukdom, ja då finns det en biblisk lösning på det med! The normal way, the ordinary, is that God heals using other persons and institutions, in the times of Christ and now... using hospitals, doctors, nurses, relatives, friends... but it is always God the one who heals!...
Praise the Lord!! Han verkar genom landstinget! Du bara betalar din patientavgift och blir sen helad av en vänlig vithårig doktor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi There Blogger how you going? I was sufing blogs for information on daily prayer and I came across yours. while Pray or Pay wasn't exactly what I was looking for, It was most interesting. I can see why I found your page when I was looking for daily prayer stuff. Thanks for the read!