Sunday, December 11, 2005

Everybody Missed SUPERBLOG!!'s Birthday!

Mmm... cake...

Jesus! Fuck! Shit! Cock!
Penis! Pee! Poo! Piss!
Crap! Christ! Cunt!

Here's the SUPERBLOG!! entry for December 8, 2004:

Värsta bloggen drar igång NU!

Ja, typ.

Translated from the Swedish by InterTran:

Worst bloggen am leaving igång Now!

Yes , creature.

Or more freely translated:

The most awesome blog ever starts NOW!

Like, yeah.

However, this admittedly awesome blog entry was immediately followed by three days of complete silence. That's because the co-creators of SUPERBLOG!! went on a trip on the Ship of Death, to Åland, where we met Anna Book and, as per usual, got shitfaced. And this was back in the days when you couldn't blog aboard a Ship of Death (stupid EU laws!).

Okay, so that last part was just the latest in a long string of lies intended to eventually bring down the European Union and replace it with a council of learned men, on which I should serve as chairman, but the rest was true. And what all this means is that you might say that SUPERBLOG!! actually started on December 12, which is tomorrow! And which in turn means that you peasants should drop whatever you're doing and rush out to buy presents! Should you fail in this mission, you will surely be torn apart by your bad conscience, and werewolves.

The picture above is of a Mid-Sized Penis Cake Pan.


Jonathan said...

Hahaha... umm.... neat.

Moocko said...

Yeahha... umm.... meat.