Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Shining Remix

The Shining

As loyal SUPERBLOG!! readers know... and if you're not a loyal SUPERBLOG!! reader, what the hell is wrong with you? Get the fuck away from this great and wonderful blog! It's too good for you anyway!

Yes. As loyal SUPERBLOG!! readers know, just a few days ago I watched The Shining. Like most of Kubrick's work, it is a great and wonderful movie. I drank beer at the same time. Beer is a great and wonderful thing.

And here is a great and wonderful fake trailer. I want you to watch it. It will brighten your sad and pathetic life.


Bobby said...

I thought that was a really scarey movie. Huh. I must have been wrong. Looks like a real feel good upbeat smash.

Afe said...

I want to have Kubrick's zombie lovechild. Is that wrong?

Moocko said...

This was even more disturbing than the mouse necrophilia.

I'd like to fuck Shelley Duvall (but not today, because she's grown fat and stuff).

Uncle Sammy said...

No! The little rat is more disturbing! I win.

Scott said...

Oh my God, I looked like that last night! Holy crap ole ... did you snap my photo a f'ing dee's last night?

Sara said...

I don't think I could even half imagine fucking Shelley Duvall. That's just gross. I'd be to worried her horse teeth would... I don't even want to think about it.

Moocko said...

Oh, don't be sad, Sara. You're my second best girl!

Moocko said...

Okay. Now Goo's my second best girl!