Monday, December 12, 2005

Fan Music: SUPERBLOG!! Theme Song


I think I'm starting to regret at least some of the mean stuff I've been saying about our favorite whipping boy Moocko in the past. Because how fucking dedicated do you have to be to actually write and record a theme song to SUPERBLOG!!? Okay, so maybe it's sort of creepy because it's clearly the behavior of a born stalker, but still...

An actual mp3. No shit.

I'll say that again: Moocko has written and recorded a song in SUPERBLOG!!'s honor. And you can download it here. He sent in the lyrics as well, but I think it's more fun if you listen to it cold.

By the way: SUPERBLOG!!, the very blog you are reading exactly this instant (how's that for a coincidence?) is one year old today. Happy birthday, SUPERBLOG!!


Mr. John Steed said...

Feliz Cumple!

Matthew said...

Wow, I wish I had a theme song. I'll just use the one from Shaft. Anyway, happy 1 year anniversary! I figured out would have drunk yourselves to death by now!

Afe said...

Wow, that was the funniest thing I've heard all week. Will it be available on iTunes?

Sara said...

Happy birthday, SUPERBLOG!!!

Moocko, baby, you have way to much time on your hands.

Smart Mouth said...

Happy birthday! Happy new baby! Happy stalker wooing you with a Tourette's-inspired theme song! Happy happy happy!

Moocko said...

Music brings us together! Thanks for all the kind words.

Koala Mentala said...

Thanks, kids, but where the fuck are the gifts? I thought we were like your cool cousins from Sweden?

President Preston said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY COCKBLOG! I bought you a cake, but I ate it. Sorry...