Saturday, December 17, 2005

Superstar Sarah Harding in Shit Shocker

Girls Aloud are the greatest band EVER!!! Or at least among the top three

From Female First, one of my favorite web magazines:

'Girls Aloud' star Sarah Harding once found cat poo under her bed.
The sexy blonde woke up one morning to find the nasty surprise just inches away from her mattress.

All surprises are nasty. Back to the story:

Bandmate Kimberly Walsh revealed: "I just find the usual under my bed, like shoes and clothes, but Sarah's found cat poo.
"She told us the other day. She woke up one morning and saw it. That's gross!"
Meanwhile, Sarah claims she looked like an Oompa Loompa as a child.



Uncle Sammy said...

I've seen both cat poo and worse shit when waking up. But I'm not bragging about it.

Koala Mentala said...

The relevant question is: Did you look like an Oompa Loompa as a child?

I am on my fourth cup of coffee. I think I'll be ready to switch to alcohol any minute now. But should I?

katiedid said...

That's so weird - as a child I used to look like Sarah Harding, but now that I'm grown I look like an Oompa Loompa. (Ignore the profile picture, I have photoshopped away my naturally orange skin and green hair so that I don't scare anyone.)

Bobby said...

One of these nights she's going to find a little bit of Bobby under her bed.

Bobby said...

. . . hey - that's a little more creepy than I wanted to sound

Anonymous said...

this blog u've got here's cool like hot poo

Scott said...

Yes switch to beer or perhaps rum

Sara said...


Koala Mentala said...

How is this for an INCREDIBLE fucking coincidence: Yesterday I was drinking BEER, yes, and watching The Shining. Redrum! RUM!

There is a God, but he only reveals himself when you drink.

Smart Mouth said...

Talk about coincidence!! I LOOKED like cat pooh as a child. NOW I look like Sarah Harding and have a fetish that involves oompa loompas drinking rum under my bed WHILE I photoshop pictures to include satan drinking beer!!! No KIDDING! Isn't that aMAZING?!?!?!

I KNEW there was a reason I kept coming back to read this inanity. It's like I've found my soulmates. I finally feel at peace. Home at long last.

Smart Mouth said...

Main Entry: inan·i·ty
Pronunciation: i-'na-n&-tE
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural -ties
1 : the quality or state of being inane : as a : lack of substance : EMPTINESS b : vapid, pointless, or fatuous character : SHALLOWNESS
2 : something that is inane

Koala Mentala said...

Uh, I know what inanity means. I'm not an idiot, you know.

Smart Mouth said...

It was said with pure, cat-pooh covered love.

Didn't mean to imply idiocy. Thought maybe that freak accident had impacted your vocabulary.

spidercrazy said...

I didn't know what inanity means. But I'm not an idiot, either. I'm unsure about fatuous, though. That horrible lack of knowledge might pass me over the edge of idiocy.

Koala Mentala said...

Come ON, people. Don't be stupid, be SMART!! You can do it!