Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Go Nader!

You're the best Ralph! We love you. Especially Koala who promised to kiss your ass until Christmas Eve, 2005.

För att visa var skåpet ska stå ska Superblog!! från detta ögonblick och till julafton hylla Ralph Nader på daglig basis.K.M. Förtydliganden:1) Jag menar julafton 2005.2) Nader är förstås inte alls ultraliberal, han heller. Men han kanske retar upp Sammy och det är det som räknas.Tack för mig.K.M.

Translation: In order to the each sensible cabinet will stand will Superblog!! from this while and to Christmas Eve shelf Ralph Nader on daily basis. K.M. Elucidations: 1) I mean Christmas Eve 2005.2) Nader is of course not at all ultraliberal, he neither. But he perhaps teases up Sammy and the is the as being counted. Thanks for me. K.M.

Maybe I promised CAKE, but you Sir Mentala promised to sniff Nader butt for almost a year. What are you gonna do about this? Where's the trust? Where's the love?


Koala Mentala said...

Ralph is so fucking cool. How cool is he? When he sits around the house, he sits around the house!


Anonymous said...

Hey, great post there, friend.

I especially liked your information on shovel physics.

Please buy my product shovel physics. I believe in it and sleep with the book on my forehead often!

I am zimbabwe. Please Purchase.

zenmonki said...

Hey zombie, here's some shovel-physics for you... (Clang!)

Damn, I hate zombies. They really mess up my zen.

Sara said...

Nader butt? Ick.


Scott said...

Nader is the reason why I got to pay a extra 35 dollars oer credit for ... student activity fee. I prefer Ross Perot for president.