Holy Bejebus! I turn my back for one moment and you unleash a torrent of updates, each one more (read: less) fascinating than the last! Are we witnessing a nervous breakdown, live on the blogosphere?!?
SUPERBLOG!! is no longer a daily journal for Stupid You. Written by awesome folk hero Koala Mentala and (sometimes) Uncle Sammy, enemy of the Internets. Both are based in the Kingdom of Sweden. [RSS Feed]
Holy Bejebus! I turn my back for one moment and you unleash a torrent of updates, each one more (read: less) fascinating than the last! Are we witnessing a nervous breakdown, live on the blogosphere?!?
I'm feeling it. It's like Spunky Sammy came out and sent Sullen Sammy out back behind the barn.
My guess? One day, Sullen Sammy swallowed some spunk and switched into Spunky Sammy, the Sucker Supreme.
/Koala Mentala, the Righteous Avenger
Sorry, that should be Poet Extraordinaire.
How come YOU aren't spunkier if that's how it works?
Because my constant exposure to semen has made me immune.
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