Sunday, April 16, 2006

Make Love Not Sense

Is what I would print on my t-shirts if I had a lot of money and used it to start manufacturing t-shirts.

Jebus. Blur blur blur. Sometimes there's a parrot on my shoulder and it tells me to drink and drink and drink. To drink myself to Stupid and beyond. To keep going hours and hours after my drinking partner has fled to the country. To spend all my money with a smile (albeit strained). Is it the Parrot of Alcoholism? Probably. I'll have to keep it in check with crackers or crack.


Sara said...

Maybe your parrot is saying you should become a pirate. Parrots like pirates who drink (rum) a lot and you've got the drinking bit down.

Koala Mentala said...

I wasn't drunk when I wrote that, just extremely hung over and miserable. (Check the time and, if necessary, convert to GMT+1.)

Koala Mentala said...

BUT!! Don't forget to adjust for daylight savings hours. (GMT remains consistent.)