Friday, April 07, 2006

Photo #86: The Orange Revolution

This must be a great picture showing what the typical German man looks like. It's from this tiny little pub we visited in Duesseldorf. The guests were like retired or crazy and in some cases retired and crazy. Imagine how happy everybody became when a couple of young mad hatters like us came in and turned the sleepy little pub into a place that for the first time ever really rocked! We insulted them, we danced on their heads and kicked their butts but they just cried happy tears because we made them feel alive for the first time since the end of WWII. That's our mission you see. On the internet and in real life... To make miserable people feel OK for a while.


Koala Mentala said...

He's right, friends! I used to talk a lot about killing myself and stuff, but then I discovered SUPERBLOG!! and now I can't imagine facing another day sober. I mean, committing suicide.

Uncle Sammy said...

Being sober is for dead people.

Mr. John Steed said...

Hi Guys, how are you! It's been so long since we don't meet on the internet. Well, I have to say that the guy is disgusting! But the worst thing is his yellow watch!

Mr. John Steed said...

I want the watch, i have to admit.

Uncle Sammy said...

It's been ages since we never met mr Steed!