Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Photo #81: Monkeyland

I use magnets to attach things to my fridge. Pretty original yes? We're going to Dusseldorf and if you compare Dusseldorf with Disneyland you can can see that each place is spelled with the total of ten letters. Disneyland have rats and ice cream but in Dusseldorf you can visit Nachtresidenz Düsseldorf. They claim that it's Die Discotheque in Düsseldorf. We'll just see, won't we....

When researching the joint I found out that you are supposed to dress schrill oder schick. What the fuck is that supposed to mean? The krauts are already beginning to piss me off. I don't wanna be dressed in schrill oder schick girlymen clothes. I want to wear my usual outfit.


Matthew said...

I think you'd look quite dashing in your usual outfit. You've already got the plastic dead-eyed stare.

Sara said...

I'd go schrill, but that's me. I'm a fucking rebel like that.

Moocko said...

The oxygen gives my soul a plan... Better than exhausts from the city.

Anonymous said...

Fuck, who thought we'd ever see the day when little Moko, of all people, manages to catch the ball and run with it?? Tres bizarre!

Moocko said...

When I get curious, the time stands still! Then I get better and manage some more... Lalala.

Koala Mentala said...

And there you dropped the ball and ruined everything. How lame.

Moocko said...

I'll pick it up again!