Saturday, February 18, 2006

Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco Taco and Taco

Me and the mother of my child and my child had dinner guests tonight. I gave them taco's and they ate them and we were all so happy. I was happy too but I knew that I was happy at the expense of SUPERBLOG!! and that made me sad for a while. I now understand that I must get rid of all my friends in order to find time for blogging. Friends steal too much of your time. To hell with friends.


spidercrazy said...

Of course, blogging can accidentally lead to you getting new friends. No matter what you do, you can't escape the pain of friendship!

Astrid said...

Speaking of tacos, how can anyone not love this:!?v=mQzRRqyd1mk

Bobby said...

Priorities man!

Uncle Sammy said...

To hell with you!