Sunday, September 17, 2006


It's a thing I say. Not shit you, I do. I have a few things I sorta say when the going gets tough and/or tame, and Christalicious! is chief among them.

So. I just finished off a friend's bottle of whiskey and some chicken beer, and RARELY have I felt more sober.

But. Did you know that 2-fucking-day is ELECTION DAY in Proud Sweden, land of Vikings and Venereal Disease? I am willing to bet that you did not. Know that. But yeah. It's the fucking whale day.

We'll maybe tell you more about it after a good night's sleep (it's 3am right now). But! I have to take a fucking 5-hour train ride tomorra, and it would surprise me a hell of a lot if I'd use that time to blog about the election. So it's all up to Sammy. And he'll probably drop the ball. But! He might surprise us!



spidercrazy said...

The big question is, who will succeed Göran Persson as leader of the social democratic party? My vote is for this guy.

Moocko said...

God bless Fredrik and his magic vampire tooth. May he suck the impure blood out of our nazi-veins.

OCPD said...

I drank far too much last night and was a bit vomalicious! Yak! Just one question though: what is chicken beer?

Koala Mentala said...

The SUPERBLOG!! archives hold many revelations.

But personally I prefer the term people's beer.

Somebodyiusedtoknow said...

I love drunk stuff and writings thing not making sense. Elects Koala to drink us. Anarchy? Yes. Please.

Koala Mentala said...

But... but I think it makes perfect sense! It's even grammatically correct, almost. ANARCHY UNDER THE IRON FIST OF FREDRIK.