Friday, September 04, 2009


I happened to mention in conversation yesterday that there is a GOD-ELECTION coming up in Sweden and I thought I would follow up with a short blog post about this phenomenon. Firstly: to all doubting Thomases: yes, it's true. We Swedes will have the opportunity to vote for our own God. I am voting for Gozer Gozerian AKA Volguus Zildrohar. He deserves my vote. If the Lord of the Sebouillia can't bring light into this era of darkness, who can? Believe in Gozer the Traveler!

(In reality I am not going to vote at all because I don't believe in any, let alone the, God. But I'm still a member of the state church because it is part of my cultural heritage and also because I don't want to miss out on that fat check when the priests decide to sell off all the church's assets to finance their cocaine-fueled altar boy abuse orgies. Or CFABAO for short. p.s. Say no to rape!)


Moocko said...

My vote's also on The Destructor.

KM said...

But what if I left the church and then I died and my family weren't allowed to bury me in sacred ground? They would be sad.

spidercrazy said...

You can still be buried on the churchyard, only you have to pay for it.

KM said...

How can I pay when I'm DEAD, Brainiac?! Remember that old saying, you can't get blood from a corpse that's been embalmed.

spidercrazy said...

You pay a funeral fee in advance... oh heck, go check for yourself, if you're not dead already.

KM said...

Thank you Spidercrazy! Maybe it's finally time to give God the Finger.