Monday, February 02, 2009

I Want Another Dark Chocolate Horror Film Game and I Want It Now

Back in 2006, I played M&M's Dark Chocolate computer rebus game 50 Dark Movies Hidden in a Painting. I played it to perfection and I loved the experience like I love life. In the three years since then, I have only played real-life games like Electro Shuffle Board Hockey and Heroin Hero. But now I feel ready to start playing another computer game and I want one just like the one with the chocolate. So are there any similar games out there or will I have to make one up in my mind? Huh? Huh?


Moocko said...

Yeah man. And we found that one with figures from movies, made from office material too.

Good times.

I remember what you said to me when I talked about missing this game and wanting a new one a year ago or so: "Make one yourself!"

Moocko said...

Suck a lemon and be done with it, you lemonsucker you!

spidercrazy said...

Here's a game that will hopefully drive you mad.

Anonymous said...

The game did drive me mad and I will suck as many lemons as it takes and also bathe in a sea of your blood if you don't find me a game (or die trying).