Friday, February 16, 2007

KoalaCam #22: Why Can't Anything Stay the Same?

Above: An old kexchoklad and a new kexchoklad. Guess which one is POISONED!

Bonus links, or as I like to call them, lankar:

Arnold Prank Calls. (This one's extra fun.)

Jughead rocks (An image)

Alan Moore's Christmas card (Another image (not the same one as the last image))

En bortglömd poll om Keir Dullea (For Swedish visitors ONLY!)

The år's roligaste TV clips (Not very roliga. For Swedish visitors MAINLY!)

Iggy Pop's concert rider funniest in rock history? (I vote no.)

YouTube: Viral Learning Center. (More.)

This almost happened to me once.

John Cleese und Barbee (Fumetti from awhile back)

Creepy blinking in Lynn Johnston's For Better or Worse. (Insightful commentary.)

Air Pirate Funnies.

Yeah, that's enough for now.


Afe said...

Don't listen to him. He's just frustrated because he's gay.

Koala Mentala said...

And how hard is it to spell SUPERSHIT!!? I'm just asking.