Thursday, December 14, 2006

Hitler in a Hat

Happy Hitler Week, everybody! You know this is your punishment for not responding with enthusiasm when I talked about posting humor pics, right? Well, it is. And I'm seriously contemplating making it Hitler Month. Ooh, and what do you say about 2007: Hitler Year? I see Hitler in your future. Lots of Hitler. You won't be able to go anywhere without running into Hitler. Hitler in a hat.

Site of the Day: Sonic the Hedgehog.

SUPERBLOG!! and You: As Hats are to Hitler


Somebodyiusedtoknow said...

punish me. punish me good.

Moocko said...

Hitlah - Hard-Boiled Detective! Man, you're seriously pleasing me.

Koala Mentala said...

Take THIS! And THAT!